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`on the verge of falling
`fallen___and dead!!!

`addicted to the perfection of___
zac efron!
edward cullen!

When you can live forever, what do you live for?



bella's lullaby~




`what i wish will really come true,
pls, at least for once_____
`give in my very best for studies
`ENERGY to come back_____
i really need it!
` me to be me again.

our memories
; February 2007
; March 2007
; April 2007
; May 2007
; July 2007
; August 2007
; September 2007
; October 2007
; November 2007
; April 2008
; May 2008
; June 2008
; July 2008
; August 2008
; September 2008
; October 2008
; November 2008
; January 2009
; February 2009
; March 2009
; April 2009
; May 2009
; June 2009
; July 2009
; August 2009
; September 2009
; October 2009
; November 2009
; December 2009
; March 2010

belong together
`lin feng
`xiao zhu_luo zhi xiang
`xiao gui

`neu syhan
`mei ting
`kai xian
`zhong ri

murmured words

breaking dawn
designer: veronicanote

credits for youtube for the wonderful lullaby. =)

`entry 37 nites~

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 10:22 PM


sleepless nights

`the happy ones___

`entry 36 my day

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 10:12 PM


hmmx. my cam spoiled again! dunno why lox.
haix. today sort of got a bad feeling..
suddenly lost contact with ___ ..
dont really know wht happened.. still messaging yesterday ehx.
then sort of have things to be busy with. so had to stop replying..
___ said i will be given a call later at night... but dunno how com like that..
didnt get the replies i ought to get. then message not delivered.
lol! not worried. as in not not worried.. like... hmmx. i also dunno what to say.
is like suddenly you dont know what happened lo!
i got a feeling that ___ lost 's phone! hmmx. dont know.. but feeling.

`that kind of worry is beyond explanation___

`entry 35 perfect cut

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 3:29 PM

没信心的 number one 终究是 number one!

~Alex tan

`entry 34 belief

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 2:29 PM


times had changed.
where is the trust and belief that one can earn easily?
why is it so?
what caused it to become like that?
when was the last time you believed someone?
which part of it sounded so convincing untill you believe it?
who was it you believed?
how you believe him?
haix.. suddenly started to ponder on all these things.
there are news talking about those people who pretend to be from blah-blah-blah company.
they start to engage in a conversation with you and then ask for a lot of things.
ask for some personal information and then make you sign certain documents..
then even before you noticed, you were duped!
it is not like i dont believe such people anymore. but i will start to think..
start to think if they were real! start to think if what will happen if they were just fake-os..
then again! what will happen when i realised that i was scammed!
there are too many cases of swindling and scams going on.
i was just being cautious! better be safe than sorry!
i didnt mean to judge one's character like that! i know that how bad he/she may be feeling..
but i am playing it cool~ i didnt mean to hurt one's feeling by getting supicious over what he/she is promoting.. i know you might think what i have with me that make you want to deceive me..
i am also wondering about that.. i cant possibly be victimized for no reason other than being suay.. i felt bad about being dubious over you too!
furthermore, just by a small conversation, i cant know you fully!! it is like that!
i know how pissed off one will get!! but isnt life just like that?
life is.. you are okay, sad, enjoying, happy, angry, confusing, irritated, disgusted, neither here nor there, no idea what to do... in the end. you get pissed off!!
this is how interesting life can be!
it is like that! so perhaps. i didnt really need to feel that bad.
furthermore, you mentioned that i will regret it, someday! i know...
i will be regretting when i feel that you were real!
afterall, things just get back the same position as they were. i am not clinging onto anything!
just letting it go like that, may have regrets though...
but perhaps wat happened yesterday might be the best solution to avert a disater into regrets!
hope so~

`thing that were done can never be undone___

`entry 33 sandy day

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 2:09 PM

hmmx. blogging about yesterday!
it was a sandy day spent with yi shan at the beach.
hahas. we went tanning at sentosa!
the sun ws scorching hot ehx. but luckily some part got wind lahx.
hahas. so cool
picture we took by the beach___
haix.. then i got sun burnt instead of sun tanned!! hahas.
super funny. even now still so pain!
pathetic! but i am so happy with the shape i tanned on my feet.
super duper cool!! hahas
then i met my clique for dinner!
mei qi, zoey and xinni.. was late i think..
we had fish n co! hahas. very nice.
but i still so worried for the internet thingy...
`everything turn sandy upon bringing to beach___

`entry 32 expectation

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 4:22 PM


hmmx. later will be going for a tuition trial.
teaching sec 2 maths and sci.
dunno will get it or not.. dont dare to expect too much le..
the higher i expect, the higher i will fall from.. hmmx.
just take things in stride le lo.
now the main prob is... the in du ren de house got dog..
more worried about the job than i get my job or not.
hahas. just have to believe the luck is with me..
yi ci de shi bai, bing bu deng yu yong yuan de shi bai.
learning by heart how to deal with more deadly blows...

`too disappointed to disappointed___

`entry 31 shield

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 2:26 PM


hmmx. this is the post entry i promised you when i am feeling better.
yup. thanks for waking me up from my delusions.
obviously i know my delusions arent nicely in place.
if it is so.. i would not be so affected by anything..
i would also not be affected by your sudden comment on my change in status!
and stared to tell you everything and chatted with you till i cried.
i know that i have been bottling up everything myself, putting on a brave front.
perhaps, others just cant see through. or, maybe they saw through it and cant bear to see me suffer when they took away it.
i know what is going on. and i just keep escaping from it. i understand that it was just an useless shield of mine. no point of deceiving myself how strong and bullet proof the shield was when it actually exposed me to more dangers behind.
this is a point i am aware of even without you telling me.
no one dared to tear through my delusions and tell me that i was dreaming, avoiding.
it felt better, true. but the moment of waking up was terrible.
i dare not face the facts. so i often thought of living in my own world of delusions where i felt the powers so tangible in my hands.
this is how lousy i am. really. i felt better after that. thanks for telling me and consoling me! =)
you were great... hahas.

`you taught me how to be braver___

went through 3 different things today!
hmmx. for those who consoled me via sms..
hmmx. just now just kinda no mood to reply.
not to make you all worry la. thanks for showing me how important i am to you all!
you were willing to take time off to send me a message yet i didnt reply! sorry!
i am okay le lahx! my friend just bloodily pull me out from all sorts of delusions i had! =)

`you should know who you are___

`entry 3o moving on~

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 12:26 PM


hmmx. just received call that i wont be going back for tuition le..
haix! pathetic! disappointed. what the ****
i flunk that trial! but i did nth lehx! sianx diao!
feel like crying out loud!
it's like you were in a very wonderful surrounding. all so placid, serene and beautiful,
but something just crashed down from above and announce to you that you are dreaming.
it left a silent shout in me!
dont even know what happen lo! haix.
it is now time to shou shi xin qing and move on!
the more you expect, the more deadly the blow will be.
haix. sometimes life is like that! what can i say?? haix
there will be more chances coming along any way!

`looking forward___

`entry 29 character or tenacious?

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 10:26 AM


is it character or just being tenacious?
i pick things up easily but not put them back to their original position back as easy as before.
na de qi, fang de xia!
practically i just fang bu xia!
what has become of me?? i really cant understand what the hell is going on with me...
i still very bothered by whether the parent will contact me or not!
i clearly know that this isnt about the fees i am going to earn le..
i just like that student so much ehx. i just cant get it out of my mind.
is this being stubborn?? clinging on things that dont belong to me??
well!!! at least it once belonged to me, and i hope that it will continue to belong to me.
why i just cant stop these things from bothering me?? furthermore, it's just one lesson..
if these trivial things can have so huge an impact on me..
then how am i going to suffer other more deadly blows?
lethal blows will only mean a catastrophe for me. i believe that i die easily after seeing how unprotected i actually am.
is this determination or just being irresolute?
am i really so into the idea of having that tuition. or just cant decide for myself.
i am always emotional more than being rational. feelings just overtake the position of reasonings in me. just one lesson yet i get this kinda feeling.. oh my god..
sudden to think of it, how useless have i been all these years..
these few days got no mood lo. sort of feeling empty..
that irritating feeling i used to describe. gosh!! i am going bonkers!
simple answers. simple answers to simple desires.
but now i cant even find answers to my desires.
just to get entertainment and enjoyment from whatever things i am doing, but those feelings i yearned for just failed to come back to me..
my original spirits all ruined!! haix. where was the monday me? the tuesday me when i was alright? i just get pissed off by everything that gets in my way.
i suddenly realised how the ability of controlling something so unsubstantial.
so it is still better when we live in delusion and deceive ourselves.
i am in no position to control anything since everything is fated. this is going to be such a fatalistic view.. but what more can i say when i am in no position to control and decide things for myself? how come there are always saying that goes like that~
to fight for the things that you wanted.
you have to fight for it to achieve it.
you have to fight for your own happiness.
when all my weapons are all destroyed in the battle i fight earlier in pursue of something-whereby i got nothing in return-how am i going to fight this time?
to fight with my bare hands is nothing better than giving up straight away.
if you know that you are going to lose the fight, then what for you start it?
other than losing the fight, you will not stand o gain anything except for the injuries and the bruises you win from the fight.
to be optimistic... you never fight, you never know who will win.
but again.. you will never know who the winner is, and this also means that you are not a loser.

`giving up in a fight is also another way of winning___
deceiving, escaping, fleeting

`entry 28 yesterday~

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 10:10 AM


hmmx. it is a nice way to have a morning to start like that!
wonderful messages~ not rushing~ hmmx.
suddenly feel so relax.. hahas
yup~ decided to blog about yesterday!
went for movie with yi shan! to complete another activity.
hmmx. we watched valkyrie.
quite nice lahx. as history students, we thought it was really interesting.
hahas. i had to leave early cox i am going for a tuition later!
gosh! when i call the parent, then i know the first lesson is trial.
a bit afraid! i really wanted it ehx! never before i felt it so discernible
hmmx. i took bus there. went out super early just in case i late.
i got lost, cant find the place. super funny.
i reached the void deck around 7.o9.. lesson 7.30 then start lo!
haix. started to get the jitters. ahhx! so scary lo! i decided to call ni.
she can feel my nervousness, then after all craps, i headed for the lift and went upstairs.
i told her i will reach around 7.25-7.3o...
hmmx. but have to be early than punctual de mahx.
the parent was okay, she answered my door.
i was told to teach her kid maths and chinese. his name was andreusz. didnt really know how to spell. hahas. she told me that he was hyper-active, cant sit still de.
hmmx. this is what i get to see for myself after she left the room!
but he was quite cute ehx!! he started talking about himself. introduction!! but i told him that i got no time to waste, so have to complete the lesson first before he can do his intro.
hahas. because of that intro he was dying to give, he was quite co-operative. hahas
then he went out to intro me his friend in the middle of the lesson.
his frog! ponds! so cute when he play with his ponds. he could actually do his multiplication with his ponds with him. whereby his multiplication is supposedly to be weak.
hahas. so cute right! then i could not leave on time cox he wanted to show me his collection.
he like Ben 10 alot! hahas. so funny lorx! took out all his collection and intro to me one by one.
his mother asked me to sneak away but he shouted NO from his room then i had to stay a while more! so cute lo! hahas. then he started to intro me his brother lukcasz, who also started to bring out all his collection for me to see.
oh ya~ we got common interest ehx! he was from concert band, playing cornet. hahas.
i really like teaching him!! hmmx. i promised that i will bring sweets for him if there are more lessons!

`i want to pass the trial and teach him!! Parent contact me kkx!!!

`entry 27 fun day!

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 7:16 PM


meeting yi shan for her first activity!
hahas. first time swimming with my friend.
nv before ehx. hahas
she woke me up, then today de haze super strong!!
irritate my eyes!
hahas. we met on bus!
walked the super long route! then we swimmed here and there! to avoid shou ren we went so early! super pai sei if ppl were to see me in that swimming suit bahx!
ooox. the pool almost belonged to the two of us at a instant! cool!
i started talking in the water! i taught her how too! super funny lo!
swimmed for so long ehx! had the slide too! impressive
super hungrily, we left the complex.. heading to jp!
we had pizza lunch there! super full.
then shopping arpun!! maybe will be tanning at sentosa bahx..
tentatively!! hahas since when i got healthy life style de orhx!
proud of it! hahas
then!!! the best shit of the day!!
my phone de camera spoil again lehx! so sad!
then i missed a call from dunno where, tuition assignment gone!
hais~ what happens happen!
take it optimistically lorx!! jia you!

`what happens happen___

`entry 26 Delusion

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 3:49 PM


super boring day!
i finished the book 3 of twilight series...
just finished eclipse.. now going to breaking dawn.
hope there is a perfect ending for everything..
an ending that i hoped and wished for. as if it was for myself
people will often go to any length to delude themseves, they will pay any price for it.
read it some where in the book.
i believed that! start to think if i am one of them.
or i am already always doing that sub-conciously?
hmmx. things changed. but sometimes, i just refused to see the change.
refused to ancknowledge that change.
deluding, decieving or avoiding?
bet it is the same anyway.
only that delusion sounds so much nicer..
haix. i am also not very sure! but sometimes.. life is like that.
not everything can be the way we want it to be.
things that happen happens.. but when you really do not want things to proceed in a way that they already proceeded, you decieve yourself, start to bury yourself in your own world.
you live in delusion before you knew anything!
living in delusion is always better. you lived in your own world.
you had the whole sky to admire. you had all the air belonging to you!
freedom! free of trouble, free from sadness.
things are always predictable, expected.
isnt this the best feeling that one can get? the feeling that you grasped in your hand.
there isnt any uncertainties. you rule your world. you will know how bad the thing can be, everything is within your control. i felt the power in me!
suddenly so tangible. i really meant it.
under some circumstances. delusion is the best solution for everything.
it will be hard for one to heal, for one to recover after they'd found out that what they hold on to was just delusions. but at least, you were once happy living in that delusion!
you found your power in the delusion!
control to everything had never been so tangible in your hand.
this all could hardly be described in words.

`living in delusion___

`entry 25 puzzled?!

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 6:09 PM


has been a few days since i last came here.
hahas, was addicted to the book! got edward mahx!
woa! speaking of it, i am so into the story le!! this is the fastest speed i ever read!
he is incredibly perfect as described in the book. this leads me to into wonders.
i wondered if vampires and werewolves really do exist in the world.
i wondered if vampires really have such a flawless features and charismatic character if they really existed.
and eventually i think i might fall for one if it really existed...
all my craps. hahas, this had to prove how deeply i am obsessed in the book!

had a wonderful time yesterday with my clique! clique consisting of xinni, mei qi and zoey!
it has been so long since i last went out with them.. hahas.
we watched underworld: the rise of the lycans.
it was my first M18 show. violence, i think it was bloody and gruesome more than violence.
woa! i was disgusted by almost every bloody scenes..
super funny lo.
ni was sitting beside me, her eyes stared at the screen like nth scary was on it! then i kept having paises for the female lead. supposedly.
i think tt she look gorgeous! she was a vampire!
then the 3 of us were still discussing abput it on our way back.

then today!! i rejected a job offer. i sent in my resume ytd and got a reply from the education centre. i dunno if i am dumb or silly.
but just couldnt find the correct word to describe me.
actually i am okay with the job, at least it is something i want.. something that i longed for.
but... things just arent as perfect as i want them to!
they offered me 6 per hour, it was an admin job!! i wanted it!
but~ the working hour were o93o to 133o. 4 hrs. i am ok!
but at dhoby guat ehx! i have to spend around $6 for a two way trip..
i dont think it is worth it, i told her tt it is quite far and kinda say i dont think i will be gg.
she was nice, she said that she understand it and thanked me for sending my resume.
did i did the right thing?? i am still pondering over it. i told zo jus nw. she dont think it was worthed it too, she encoraged me to look for other better job!
"aiyah, sure can find de lah!" this was wat zo said!

then, i didnt know wat happened to dilys de tagboard...
the unknown ppl there mentioned how ****ed he/she felt there, yet, he/she failed to realised how impolite it is to do smth like this at ppl's blog. he msg he/she posted can also hurt others' feelings.

`looking for job, still___

`entry 24 added!

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 3:25 PM


oh ya!! suddenly realised, cox the DJ was saying..
today is yuan xiao jie! the last day of the chinese new year!
woa! this year the new year really dont have any spirits..
like so sianx, then same as normal days.. hahas


today de moon is the roundest de!!
the roundest in 52 years!! should be awesome!! hahas

`yuan xiao jie___

`entry 23 resumes

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 3:21 PM


have been sending resumes everywhere!
woa! super pathetic lo!! i send around 6 today!
then have to edit the resumes here and there to make it ok to apply for that job!
i checked the sent items and found that i send the mail w/o attaching resume!
super funny. hmmx, i am always so blurr ehx!
hope i will get some replies soon!
jia you!! i will do it!

`getting my job replies soon___

`entry 22 nites~

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 11:37 PM


sleepless nights

`the happy ones___

`entry 21 delighted!

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 10:01 PM

thanks for the concerns that eveyone gave to me when i posted such a dejected post!
but tt day de xin qing really damn lousy!
at least i know that you all actually cared for me! hmmx.
do you know?
when you are flying and soaring towards your goal,
most ppl will look for the distance you travelled, only true friends will concern about you.
they will be the one who will care for you and ask you how tired you are after a flight.
so glad that i have got friends like the all of you.
it's really wonderful.
neighbour came to my house this morning..
hahas. with her daughter, sec 2 de.
i quite shocked when she approached me.
hahas, she wanted me to teach her maths! woa! super challenging!
suddenly thought of mr wong.
how he taught 1/3 and 2/3. hahas. chai ling was not in the picture of teaching me maths yet.
hahas. but ah pong and leen was there ehx. hahas
i'll see how before i reply her, cox i no job also mahx
today is my brother de birthday!!!
hahas. happy birthday to him!
think i also kana the birthday mood, super happy too...
or it has got nth to do with the birthday mood??
decided to go jp to buy a cake back for him. i went with my cousin. hahas. super funny. we sneak out of my house. crapping stupid reasons so as to persuade my bro to stay at home.
went around to look for a cake.
settled one at prima deli. then went home straight away!
woa! then i saw ys. hahas. super stunning. so long nv see him le. so shocked! could hardly recognise him cox i last saw him was prom. hahas.
cool ehx~
then celebrate
`wishing together___
hmmx. at least today i am happy de!
`a friend in need is a friend indeed___

`entry 2o GOSH!

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 3:50 PM


haix. tt kinda feeling just came back!
i felt so unhappy!
tried to read the eclipse i bought, play all sorts of applications in facebook, watched the videos i like on youtube, listen to the songs i love...
i am pratically doing all the things i enjoyed to get entertained...
but just no mood!!
what the hell! i am mad!!
super pissed off by this kinda feeling!
i am just at a corner and cant get myself out!
feeling empty and tired!!!
i am restless!!!

`what the hell___

`entry 19 disappointed!

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 1:51 PM


haix!! dunno how things can become like that!
super shit! couldnt sleep well ytd because of the phone!
phone spoilt, camera function cant use. other than that still ok!
but yesterday the phone hang again! auto off, more pathetic!
hao bu rong yi fall asleep, yet i start to have nightmares one after another!
gosh! scary! nearly die in tt nightmare, luckily i left my phone on.
around nine like tt gt ppl msg me. woa! you saved my life ehx!
sort of! hahas. i went to jp to collect my books!
twilight series book 3!!!

`book 3_eclipse!
a bit disappointed! cox different publisher..
then the book different. different cover, diff design, diff texture!
shit lo! i wanted a complete set de mahx!
then i ask tt guy to call me again when they got another version!
must wait 2 weeks to 2 months lo.
i left in dismay!! haix. tried my luck at harris! but they only carry in the newer version de.
so might as well i go back popular!
tt guy call me back!! he said tt the older publisher will not have stocks le!
then he advised tt i go back to popular to get the new publisher de..
he so styleee!! he even kept the last book for me though i didnt place order!
he say gg to have no stocks le, better buy this home first!
they keep the new stocks inside shelf. then after 3 days if the respective owners-to-be did not appear, they will then put the books on shelf le! gosh!
this is so lucrative lahx!
haix. i am also one of the addicts myself le! hahas.
then!! super angry! i call back that ez link card ppl.
she tricked me. she was about to ask me to go down to sign letters le!
about to send me for training and lessons le. then inn the end, the manager took over.
the manager say must give piority to those poly ppl first..
gosh!! they entering poly le lehx! dont need this job so urgently le bahx. how come like that! i am so angry about it!!
祸不单行!! i finally understand how it came about!!
seriously in need of a job! please!!
hope they will contact me again soon!
`yi chang huan xi, yi chang kong___

`entry 18 going out with yishan

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 8:50 PM


hmmx. went out with yishan today!
outing has never been so fun and interesting!! hahas
was still afraid that we didnt have anything to do.
i skipped breakfast in order to have lunch with her.
Feast by kopitiam!
hahas. super interesting! saw papaya there..
we each ordered a set of pepper lunch..
first time eating tt. everytime say want to eat then in the end nv eat de..
*opening special___
pepper set + soup + salad + drink at 1o dollars...
quite nice, enjoyed the d.i.y cooking session, quite ex though..

`my chicken pepper set!
then yishan had her salmon pepper set..
took some pictures there!

then we found our new talents!
handicrafts ehx! super interesting! hahas.
we start making our cherries at mac!

new talents ehx! super interesting!
oh.. we took neo prints before tt!

it was a treat!! hahas. thanks so much!
we went back trying to get new inspirations.
dont really have! hahas, tt girl like dont know anything.
but we know a lot of professional terms ehx!
the jump ring the T-pins and all those lo.
very funny! act smart! i dropped my 'buttons' there! gosh!
went sweeping the floor!!
my phone spoil le. dindnt even know how it spoilt.
the camera function just like that SPOILT!
i did nth lo! then no mood le!
tmr maybe gg jp! hahas~

`outing never get so fun___

`entry 17 call received!

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 3:42 PM


woa! super duper sianx!
i have been rotting at home for mnths and when will my job come to me?
is not as if tt i nv go find lo! pathetic!!
but maybe they recruit ppl base on their looks.
keep saying like tt.. hahas
but if they want skills i also no skills lahx.
hmmx. yesterday isent in two resumes again...
dunno whether they will call me back not...
hmmx. a bit dis-hearted le lahx.
also dunno how to say... haix!!
this kinda feeling damn hard to describe!
until you kana yourself then will know...
hahas. super sianx throughout...
then afternoon finally got call ehx!!
the ez link card de call me... she is a nice lady lahx..
swee ling??
hmmx. she ask if i am able to start or rather wait till apr then start...
hmmx. i super shocked. then i huh
cox supposed to start 16 feb de mahx!
hmmx. then she very good ehx! she say got wat questions can ask like that...
she wont mind de! hahas. of course la, i asked like that! hahas.
a bit straight forward ehx. hahas
then she went to speak to her manager. hahas. managed to compromise..
around march!! hahas. hope can bahx.. then she know moo went with me...
then ask if got another ppl living around my area.. i told her lo.
hahas. then she nv give them call.
she knew that i will tell them?
i also dunno lahx. hahas. at least i got a call somewhere.
hahas.. see how lo! depends liao. i am so ok with tt job!
today morning~
i went to have brunch with my mama, went jp... hahas.
i purposely walk pass yi shan de shop..
go see her.. hahas, she looks tired! hmmx. pity her!
yi shan!!! must take care ehx!
hopefully tomorrow will go out together bahx..
hahas. also dunno where to go, but it has been a long time since i last went out with her.
then i bought a bun for her. hope shw likes it lahx..
hahas... i went to popular to look for eclipse book!
feel like buying tt book!! damn it lo! popular dont have ehx!
i left my number there! haix. they are not even sure when the stocks will reach! sianx diao lo
then i went to another shop! harris! hahas.
super quiet. tt side no ppl de.
i tried to look around to find to book, to no avail though.
then the sales quite nice, she approached me and ask if i need help..
she sae i can leave my number there, but forget it.. i said that i will be back next week.
hmmx! super interesting book! so many ppl are trying to get it.
publisher must have earned a lot.
a bit disappointed then i went home le lo.
woa.. then i got a call upon reaching home..
the ez link card thingy!!!
swee ling asked if i can work alone, she damn worried i am alone, with no friends..
hahs. i took some time to consider.. then i call her back after 3-5 mins..
i said ok. but dunno like that got ps others not, as in i work alone is i start first lehx.
i consider quite long... hmmx. dont like to ps. as in i understand this is also not ps lahx.
is forced under circumstances! tt lady super afraid i work alone.. hahas then keep on asking if it is okay. then i ask her to rest assured, i am actually ok with it de.
cox is like tt de mahx. there may be spaces lahx. but hard to work together with friends de
so those working with friends de! must treasure it horx!
sorry tt i might have to ps ppl here and there
waiting for call back lo.
maybe will hane to go down orchard if i got it!

`hope i get job soon___

`entry 16 spoiler

`addicted___因为我爱上你了 10:06 AM


haix!! i feel so bad!
actually i not purposely de!
but didnt know how it become like that!
haix! so many restrictions!
also cant possibly blog it out like that!
gosh!!! haix! i am really sorry