woa. it has been so long since i blogged.
i went away mahx. was at thailand. hahas
went for a trip there. it was really interesting...
hahas. we checked in early in the morning..
6 plus. then all luggage was send in via the conveyor belt..
then had a small breakfast before leaving for bangkok..
quite nervous lehx. hahas. i dont like the pressure in the ear while flying.
the pressure was alright though..
then when we reach, i go for the wrong bag. it was the correct belt but i cant recognise my bag..
i took the wrong bag and start to ask why is it so heavy.. hahas.
then i realised!
somemore there like ren sheng di bu shu like that then saw those people fetching tourist de taking tourist de name like fans like that. super funny lo..
we didnt manage to have one of the big taxis. got book in advance but they just never send people here or wat. super irritating!
when i stepped out of the airport. then i know that what the captain said was true.
super hot! the temperature was 38! woa!! siaox. like in oven like that.
and jet lag of one hour.
in the taxi, i was like a typical singaporean who started to nag about howlousy and dirty the enviroment is. hahas. kinda cant stand it. the streets were like quite run down like that.
hahas. we reach the hotel then straightaway headed out for sightseeing..
supposed to go to grand palace of thailand! but shorts and singlets are prohibited!
sehx!! where got like that de. some more the entrance fees was like 350 baht. close to 15 sgd!so ex! then we decided to give it a miss lo..
we took a turn and went for shopping instead.
got shopping mall lehx!! interesting! thought ot will be lousy de area! hahas.
to my surprise, there were shopping centres there lehx! i was like a typically singaporean who would only shop in shopping centre.
hahahas. super tiring.. very tired after shopping. but the time barely passed. lol
went to the roadside to eat dinner! woa! like super dirty lo. i was like eer here and there.
`day 2___
wake up early in the morning.. then we went sightseeing since the first attempt wasnt successful.
went to wat arun! hmmx. it was very nice ehx. all the sculptures! all very detailed.
the stairs was like super steep lo!!
but i went up lehx! hahas. can imagine??
was proud of myself for it..
`wat arun
then the next place we went was wat pho..
hahas. there was a lot of ang moh there! hahas. some ver shuai..
especially one that accidentally knocked into me. hahas. super shuai!
since then i addicted to ang moh le. hahas! super funny!

`wat pho
then the buddha there was like so majestic lehx!
alot of people went there just to take a glimpse of it.
it was really nice! worth the trip there!
then this was the place where i accidentally knocked into people.
it was too crowed! notice the pots in the pictures?!
hahas. it was for the monks i think.. hmmx. i exchanged a bowl of coins for 20 baht..
then when we put the coins into the pots got 'ding ding ding' de sound! cool lo.
then we went back.. by the taxi..
kinda book the driver for a day.
we were supposed to go to the shopping malls near our hotel!
but Road closed! woa. i so shocked.. the hotel de receptionist ask the drive to drive us back..
not to go shopping for that day. road close due to red shirt protestors occupying the road for protest! woa! i saw it myself lehx! all of them were wearing a red shirt as in i think they will bring the shirt along with them where ever they go!
they were singing and aome inviting people to join them..
we then heard from the driver that there were some other groups represented by different colours like blue, white and yellow.
hmmx. we headed back to hotel.. then wewaited for the news..
but also no use lahx.. all the channels there in thailand speak thai de lahx.
i also dont understand lo. but pictures could speak a thousand words.. hahas.
for that day we were stuck in the hotel..
`day 3___
another shopping day.. but i tried something interesting!
i took a ride on tuk tuk!! it was thailand's famous transport.
cool! they can be seen all over the streets! super interesting..
because they are smaller in size compared to other transport, they were able to overtake other vehicles swiftly!
it was so fascinating! hahas. i got amused easily!
`tuk tuk in thailand
i really got amused easily.. hahas. thailand is also famous because of its flawless transexual..
woa! i cant really recognised them lo. but some of them were really very beautiful..
i really take my hat off them! a lot of courage must be needed to make that option bah!
hmmx. then the girls there were powerful too..
who says that men are stronger!! i see how females worked as construction workers there!
it was really impressive! building this and that, most of the efforts were contributed by our girls!! it is really impressive! they were really strong and can br compared to any male construction workers! they dont slack because they are female, they have got the same work load as any make there. there werent any special privileges.. they had got equal treatments, no double standards!
seriously i think everything was very interesting! an eye-opener for me!
cool lo! then they seriously need to brush up on their english. if not very hard to communicated with them! hahas. but it was fun listening to their accents! so cute!
i learnt a lot.
all pictures credits go to yahoo images..
p.s. i left my camera with my cousin